Membership Information

Membership Information

When you become a member of the Gastronomy on Stamps Study Unit, you will enjoy these benefits:

  • You will receive the quarterly journal, The Philatelic Gourmet with many articles and information related to food on stamps. Each issue includes information about new food related stamps issues and other stamp collecting topics.
  • You can access online, free of charge, an illustrated Composite New Issues List of gastronomy-related stamps issued worldwide from late 2017 to now. Our new issues list currently contains more than 800 entries and almost 3,000 illustrations. A sample of the composite list is available here.
  • You will be able to read/download all issues of The Philatelic Gourmet published from Vol. 1, No. 1 (January 2018) to the present.
  • You will be able to communicate with many other collectors with interests in food on stamps.
  • By attending periodic Study Unit meetings (held in conjunction with APS/ATA national shows), you will be able to expand your knowledge of food on stamps by direct discussion with Study Unit members.

​Membership Dues

​​​Electronic Delivery​ of Journal, all locations $5/year
​Printed Copy:  US Addresses $20/year
                  ​Canadian Addresses $24/year
                  ​All other Addresses $28/year
Patron Membership: To provide added support to the Study Unit ​$8/year in addition to Membership cost